Thursday, February 13, 2020

Heart of Darkness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Heart of Darkness - Research Paper Example As Marlo and his men continue to travel into the core of Africa they discover that Mr. Kurtz is not the man they expected. Mr. Kurtz is a cruel tyrant who presents himself as a god who is worshiped by the local tribes. Heart of Darkness is about the human condition, it describes how humans can change their values over time and over the environment. It is about human corruption and how the pursuit of wealth and power poisons human values (Conrad, 13). In The Heart of Darkness the black people are hardly people, they are like metaphors for savage primitive man. The European brutalizes and enslaves the Africans. This cruelty is manifested in the novel Heart of Darkness through the Mr. Kurtz. Mr. Kurtz is seen to brutalize, humiliate and enslave the Africans. The Africans worshiped Kurtz as their god; this was brought about by fear. The Africans were mistreated by being forced into hard labor and forced labor. They were enslaved, beaten and even butchered. Mr. Kurtz hanged the heads of the butchered blacks around his homestead. This portrays the high level of imperialism as the activities of the colonialists â€Å"Mr. Kurtz† are inhumane and demoralizing (Youngbirg, 15). In the Heart of Darkness the black people are looked down upon, they are hardly people; they are like metaphors for savage primitive man. The Europeans brutalize and enslaves them regardless of their age, gender and culture. The European imperialism is deceitful as the Africans are lured into forced labor and slavery. All this is done to the benefit of the European people. The Africans suffer in the hands of the colonialists both physically and mentally, some of them are even butchered and their heads are hung in the imperialists’ compound as a sign of showing them how petty and useless they are to be treated like animals. The Europeans in the Heart of Darkness are seen as civilized and informed people. The civilization in the heart

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Database Security for Electronics Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Database Security for Electronics Ltd - Essay Example Database security is the process of protecting the files stored in the database from any malicious attempts of viewing the data or modifying the data (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2003, p 157). The standard language that is used for making an interactive query from and, updating the databases as Microsoft SQL server is known as the Structure Query Language (SQL). This paper tries to analyze the potential issues that are arising from having a database server online. Securities in the software applications are very significant in all the organization that has databases. An SQL injection attack is one of the identified potential issues that might arise from having the databases online. SQL injection attack is a type of an attack that comes from what the user has inputted, and is not well checked to find if the input is valid. SQL Injection attack enables the external users to view information from the database. In other systems that are well designed, it will only include the information that is available to the public. While in a system which is poorly designed, this would only allow the external users in discovering other people’s password (Basta & Zgola, 2012, p 167). The objective of the SQL injection attack is to fool a database system to a running malicious code that will reveal the sensitive data or information or else it may compromise the whole server. SQL injection attacks are of two types; there are the first-order attacks, and the second-order attacks. The first-order attacks happens when the attacker attempts to receive an immediate desired result, this can be by direct response coming from the application that is being interacted to, or it may be some other response mechanisms, for example emails. While the second-order attacks takes place when the attacker attempts to inject some of the data that are going to reside in the database, although the payload will not be activated immediately. Most websites are commonly used in mounting the attack on the database (Cherry, 2011, pg 201). For example, the below is an example for a typical SQL statement that can be used to mount an attack on the website. SELECT ProductName, Unit Price, QuantityperUnit FROM Products WHERE ProductName LIKE ‘F%’ The above SQL statement tries to select the name of the product, the price per unit, and the unit per quantity from where the products are stored where the ProductName must start with a letter F (ProductName LIKE ‘F%’). The main aim of the attackers in database is to make sure that they inject their own SQL into a statement that the application may use when querying the database. For the above SQL statement, just in any case the query was generated from the website; the user must therefore insert the letter ‘F’ as the query. However, if a server side code inserts a user input directly in an SQL statement, the SQL statement may look like this, but it is only fine if the data that is inputted is valid. String sql = â€Å"SELECT ProductName, Unitprice, QuantityPerUnit â€Å"+ â€Å"FROM Products† + WHERE ProductName LIKE ‘†+ search, Text + â€Å"%’; SQL injection attack damages SQL injection attacks have been somehow limited concerning the risks that are associated with unintended disclosure of the data. Today SQL injection has evolved, and it has become the preferred method and, processes that are used by the hackers in breaching well-liked websites. It has also inserted a malware websites. SQL injections alternatively, may